Help & Support

Find FAQs, get answers to your questions, and connect with our team for personalised assistance.

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You Speak, We Listen, We Act.

It is manned by skilled and effective agents to accurately deliver high-quality service to UBA customers and prospects alike.

Self Service

Manage your banking needs with ease using UBA’s self-service options. Access account information, perform transactions, and find quick solutions at your convenience.


Security Centre

Stay protected with UBA’s Security Centre. Learn about our latest security measures, get tips on safeguarding your accounts, and report any suspicious activity.


Our Digital Channels

We make life convenient for you anywhere. With our digital banking services, we offer you the choice to access your account anytime, anywhere from your laptop or smartphone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We aim to help you through the banking process and also provide answers about our products & services

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Check your balance, pay for services, open accounts, deposits, loans, get help in chat 24/7 and much more - in your smartphone